Out Of Town Orders
The images on our website are our own custom designs and products. We are an independantly owned professional florist, and not part of corporate order-gathers such as FTD, Teleflora, 1-800-Flowers, Avas, etc. We belong to the Society of American Florists and work with other Real Local Florists to help facilitate your out of town order. However, each florist will carry their own special products (many which are special to their local area.) Because of the nature of flowers, plants, and gifts items, and their associated costs around the country and world, please be aware that any item you see on our website will likely be substituted going out of town. Additionally, most out of town florists have a $75 minimum for product, plus delivery. If you have any questions about an order out of our delivery area, PLEASE call us for help placing your special order. We may be able to place the order with a florist on your behalf, or we may refer you to a fellow florist for you to contact directly.